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What You Need to Know About Physiotherapy for Pelvic Pain

By Majda Mehdizadeh
Physiotherapist at Life Ready Physio + Pilates South Perth


Pain in the pelvic area is common, yet can be a minefield of diagnoses for medical and healthcare professionals. This is because the pelvis is a complex structure housing our reproductive organs, bladder, digestive tract and the bones, muscles, ligaments and tendons of the lower back and hips. 

What can cause pain in the pelvis?

  • Pregnancy 
  • Muscle tears and strains
  • Tendinopathies
  • Joint pain of the SIJ, pubic symphysis or hips
  • Pelvic floor muscle dysfunction
  • Digestive disorders
  • Gynaecological disorders 

The role of the pelvis

The main role of the pelvis is to support the upper body during sitting and weight transfer to the lower body during standing. It is also the common attachment point for the trunk, lower back and leg muscles.

The pelvis also plays an important role in protecting the organs that live inside it. 

It is vital for activities like walking, running and cycling. 

Why choose physiotherapy for pelvic pain?

Due to the complexity of the pelvis, a thorough physiotherapy assessment will identify if the cause of the pain is mechanical or musculoskeletal or if another health professional (such as a specialist women’s health physiotherapist, GP or gynaecologist) needs to become involved in your care.

Your physiotherapist will also be able to perform manual therapy techniques to relieve the pain and prescribe exercises to treat the current pain and prevent future reoccurrences. Physiotherapy treatment will also include a plan to get you back to your activity goals.

So you don’t let your pelvis be a pain in the… pelvis. Find out more about the possible causes of pelvic pain here, and make a booking to see one of our physiotherapists today!

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