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Hi, I'm Joyce Wee!

Occupational Therapist at Mobile

Before completing her Occupational Therapy degree at Curtin University in 2002, Joyce completed a Diploma in Nursing and worked as a Registered Nurse for 3 years in Singapore! 

Since graduating as an Occupational Therapist, Joyce has worked in acute, subacute and rehab settings in a general hospital in Singapore. Since moving to Perth in 2006, she has worked in the aged care and disability space, particularly in the area of custom seating and wheelchairs. 

Outside of work, home and family needs keep Joyce busy most days of the week. She also enjoys cooking, baking, trying out new recipes and is always up for a feast with close friends and family!

Life Ready Mobile Contact Details

Phone: 1300 730 852
Fax: 08 9264 8244

GPO Box C101, Perth WA 6839

Other team members at Life Ready Mobile


































































IMPORTANT: If you have a fever, cough, sore throat or shortness of breath and you have travelled overseas in the past month, it is important you seek medical care early. Please contact us via phone prior to making an appointment or visiting our clinics.