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Hi, I'm Charlotte Poon!

Physiotherapist at Mobile

Having always wanted to help people, Charlotte chose a career in physiotherapy as she believes it is very rewarding to see someone improve with the help she can offer them.

She grew up in Singapore and came to Australia, a place she now very much calls home, when she was 10 years old and completed her studies at Curtin University.

“Actually studying and becoming a physiotherapist has made me have a total lifestyle change, from a completely sedentary individual to an active one. This is after having started studying physiotherapy and learning so much about exercise rehab and pretty much majority of the cohort and my peers were active people!”

Charlotte loves imparting her knowledge of the human body and her personal experiences on to others and seeing her clients improve with some physical activity incorporated into their personalised rehabilitation program. She enjoys strength and conditioning in particular, and providing rehabilitation incorporated with exercise.

Outside of work, Charlotte enjoys going to the gym, which gives her a clear headspace. “Exercise has changed my life around and helped me manage stress.”

Her other interests include cooking and gardening, and she is on a quest to make her home as self sufficient as possible with home grown greens!

Life Ready Mobile Contact Details

Phone: 1300 730 852
Fax: 08 9264 8244

GPO Box C101, Perth WA 6839

Other team members at Life Ready Mobile



































































IMPORTANT: If you have a fever, cough, sore throat or shortness of breath and you have travelled overseas in the past month, it is important you seek medical care early. Please contact us via phone prior to making an appointment or visiting our clinics.