From a young age, Bella discovered a love for health and wellness through acrobatics and dance. This developed her fascination with the human body and the many complexities surrounding it and inspired her to study Remedial Massage at the Australian Institute of Fitness.
She now offers a holistic and balanced approach to clients’ injury prevention plans here at Life Ready Physio + Pilates Scarborough.
She finds fulfilment in treating clients suffering from musculoskeletal conditions, and aims to promote better movement, mind, and body awareness. Her treatments are hands-on, predominantly using Trigger Point Therapy (PRT), Myofascial Release, and Deep Tissue Massage. She also incorporates Dry Needling and specific Stretching Techniques (PNF, MET) into her treatment plans when necessary.
When Bella isn’t working alongside other therapists at the clinic, you’ll find her relaxing at the beach or appreciating all things related to wine.
Phone: 08 6500 3228
Fax: 08 6184 6850
Unit 1, 203 West Coast Hwy
Scarborough WA 6019
We are open on Mon & Wed 8am-7pm, Tues, Thurs & Fri 8am-6.30pm, Sat 8am-12pm
IMPORTANT: If you have a fever, cough, sore throat or shortness of breath and you have travelled overseas in the past month, it is important you seek medical care early. Please contact us via phone prior to making an appointment or visiting our clinics.