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Understanding your SIJ pain

The sacroiliac joint (SIJ) connects the spine to the pelvis and is an essential part of transferring weight from the upper body to the spine and lower body. The sacrum is a triangle-shaped bone and is wedged connecting to the pelvis with iliac bones on either side. The SIJ is extremely strong and is reinforced by a group of ligaments, fibrocartilage for shock of absorption and moves very little, if any at all.


Where is SIJ pain felt?

Pain from the joint is usually felt in another area, as it tends to refer pain. The most common areas are in the gluteal region as well as the hamstrings, and occasionally pain can be felt over the joint.


What causes SIJ pain?

Due to the lack of movement at the joint, pain usually arises due to a change in the way or the amount of loading the joint has to withstand. It is common for tension of the muscles of the joint to also be involved, as they have to work harder. There are however exceptions to this such as a result of direct trauma to the area, which will result in injury to the soft tissues, resulting in inflammation.


Pregnancy related

It is a common thought that due to the hormones released during pregnancy, the SIJ joint becomes more mobile due to relaxation of the ligaments. Lots of research has shown this to not be the case, but rather more likely from a hormonal level, the area may become more pain sensitive. Additionally, changes in the amount of the load and how you move during pregnancy are a more likely candidate to result in irritating the SIJ.


Post natal

During pregnancy, changes in how we load our pelvis are likely to occur. For example, holding the baby on one hip and putting weight always on one side will likely cause pain in the SIJ due to the recurrent loading of that side.


Management of SIJ pain

  • Identify the aggravating activities, loads and postures and modify to prevent re-aggravation
  • Release associated muscle tightness
  • Identify potential muscle weakness or deconditioning such as the general lower limb or gluteal muscles
  • Develop a structured management plan focusing initially to settle symptoms and then gradually load and strengthen to prevent reoccurrence and exacerbation


Sacroiliac joint pain treatment with Life Ready Physio

With professional treatment such as joint mobilisation, massage and therapeutic exercises for improved functionality, Life Ready Physio will not only alleviate SIJ pain, we’ll provide you with the tools to prevent future injuries too.

For an in-depth assessment by one of our skilled physiotherapists, book a consultation here.

We look forward to joining you on this journey to pain-free living!

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