Life Ready Onsite was born out of a clear need for education surrounding injuries in the workplace. There’s an alarming yet common thread between an individual’s workplace environment – and a lack of education around healthy workplace habits. This in turn leads to injury and pain, bearing significant impact to the corporate body with lost time, lack of productivity, and sick days taken. Life Ready Onsite is on a mission to change this.
An onsite injury prevention physiotherapist is invaluable to any organisation. Upon any injury, immediate treatment and advice is essential for a quick and successful return to work, leading to reduced injury rates and workers’ compensation claims.
We use evidence based consulting and clinical assistance, to provide awareness around common injuries in the workplace, and how they can be prevented. Our qualified physiotherapists capitalise on their clinical experience and expertise education and prevention for our corporate clients. This keeps staff healthy, happy, and optimised for the working environment.
Life Ready Onsite also has a network of Life Ready Physio and Life Ready affiliated clinics across Australia, providing high quality clinical assessment, treatment and management for employees alongside our Employee Assistance Program (EAP). These services include physiotherapy, exercise physiology, dietetics, podiatry, remedial massage, rehabilitation programs and Clinical Pilates.
For more information on Life Ready Onsite services, phone 9322 1146 or email